Combine the design structure of both Chinese culture and modern style.
Usage of tiles with Chinese element, presenting a contradictive harmony with the moldings.
Ceiling of the living room much higher than normal is a key feature of this project.
The super-high curved arch of ceiling separates the space.
The design is based on the height of human-beings.
Main walls are decorated with wooden materials underneath the eye level.
Above the eye level is blank walls to reduce the pressure caused by the height.
融合中式及現代文化集結設計架構, 以中式的瓦磚元素與線板呈現衝突卻融合, 場域高度優勢高於一般限制, 利用超高弧形圓拱天花區分空間, 全室空間以人高度作為基準 ,視線以下立面木皮鋪面 , 以上留為空白延伸與天花板關係, 避免高度產生視覺更多的壓迫